Women and Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business

Radiation Safety Training Course (X-Ray and ETD Operators annual training)
Radiation Safety Training Course (X-Ray and ETD Operators annual training)
Radiation Safety Training Course (X-Ray and ETD Operators annual training)

Radiation Safety Training Course (X-Ray and ETD Operators annual training)

Regular price $65.00 Sale

The SVS online Radiation Safety Training course is designed based on the annual training requirements for cabinet x-ray and Explosive Trace Detection (ETD)system operators. Each year you are required to conduct annual radiation safety awareness training for your staff who operate these systems. This course covers all of the OSHA and state requirements for this training requirement.

To purchase the course click on the link below:


You will be directed to our Learning Management System website and you can pay for the course on that site.

The Radiation Safety Training Course (X-Ray and ETD Operators annual training) is far and away, one of our most popular items. People can't seem to get enough of it.

Inventory Last Updated: Mar 28, 2025